
  • Ana Nikolova Trakia University, Medical College - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
  • Steliyana Valeva Trakia University, Medical College - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
  • Nazife Bekir Trakia University, Medical College - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria



PNF, neuromuscular facilitation, muscles


The essence of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation consists in the application of specific reinforcement techniques to enhance central arousal by volitional movements to improve active capacity of the affected muscle and muscles groups. This is a method of rising the muscle reaction and volitional impulses, which can be reached during stimulation of proprioceptive nerve endings. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation consists is a philosophy and a concept treatment (Kabat, 1950) and for the first time the method was applied in physiotherapy practice in 1947. Dr. Kabat and Maggie Knott was the founders which started and continued to expand the development of techniques. Nowadays patients with traumatic as well as orthopaedic symptoms are treated with this concept successful. Development of PNF concept followed some specific techniques and patterns responsible to the neuromuscular facilitation. Movements are our natural way to interact with our environment. Interactions are directed by the mechanism of motor learning principles includes a progression from hands-on to hands-off treatment strategy. The mean goal is functional oriented activities and independence. The physiotherapy should be focussed always to mobilize the reserves to reach the highest point of function. Especially in the first and cognitive stage of motor control, the therapists manual facilitation will be a helpful tool in reaching this goal (Adler et. al, 2007).


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How to Cite

Nikolova, A., Valeva, S., & Bekir, N. (2022). THE ROLE OF PROPRIOCEPTIVE FACILITATION AND ITS APPLICATION AS AN INDISPENSABLE PART OF PRACTICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY. MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 1(2), 1–5.
