ultrasonography, ultrasound, congenital heart diseases, children, diagnosticsAbstract
Over the last few years, remarkable progress has been made in the field of congenital heart diseases. Improvements considering diagnostic modalities, especially imaging, in surgical and interventional techniques, as well as in postoperative therapy and care, have contributed to a significant reduction in mortality and morbidity. One of the most important applications of medical imaging techniques in children is the detection and treatment of congenital heart anomalies. Objective of this article is to show the importance of ultrasonography in the detection of congenital heart diseases in children. The study was conducted on children with simple and complex congenital heart diseases and was conducted on the Pediatric Clinic, UKCS. The research is descriptive on a representative sample. In our study, 166 children were observed, of which 148 children (77 boys, 71 girls) with simple congenital heart diseases, and 18 children (8 boys, 10 girls) with complex congenital heart diseases. Out of the total number of observed children, 115 had a surgical correction, 97 children with simple congenital heart diseases (45 boys, 52 girls) and 18 children with complex congenital heart diseases (8 boys, 10 girls). The number of children monitored through the Cardiac Counseling Center who didn’t undergo surgical correction was 51, all with simple congenital heart diseases. Out of the total number of observed children who were frequently coming for follow-ups, 28 children had changes on the ECG, and 138 of them had no changes on the ECG, 93 were surgically treated, and 73 of them were on conservative therapy. Based on the results of the research, we conclude that ultrasonography is an important method in the detection and treatment of congenital heart diseases.
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