
  • Tsvetan Petkov Burgas State University „Prof. Dr. Asсen Zlatarov“ Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Psychology



state of stress, emotional overload of teachers working with children, strategies for coping with stress


In connection with the intensification of professional activity and the acceleration of the pace of life of a modern person, the problem of the relationship between behavior to overcome stress and emotional load and the development of individual coping resources is becoming more and more relevant. There is a rather limited number of scientific works dedicated to the study of the problem of overcoming the emotional burden of teachers working with children, as well as the maintenance and development of individual coping resources. Teachers from the regional state educational institution (30 people) took part in the study. Observation, interview, and standardized testing techniques were used to diagnose teacher workload and behavioral strategies for coping with stress. Mathematical and statistical analysis methods were used to process the results.

Teachers who prefer non-constructive overcoming of professional difficulties, inadequately limit the scope and intensity of inclusion of emotions in professional communication (called „Inadequate emotional selective reaction“, which has an average value of Ẋav.=18.6), They seek to ease or reduce professional responsibilities requiring emotional costs. To a greater extent, those teachers who use constructive coping are aware of the psychotraumatic factors of professional activity and experience emotional emptiness and fatigue. Positive correlations were found between non-constructive coping („aggressive actions”) and all phases of emotional burnout („tension”; „resistance”; „exhaustion”:). Aggression directed at others as a counterproductive coping strategy has been empirically shown to contribute to job frustration and job dissatisfaction and loss of professional interest. In other words, the professional stress experienced by teachers exceeds their coping resources, and the defensive-adaptive mechanism of behavior to overcome stress takes place at the level of psychological protection.


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How to Cite

Petkov, T. (2024). INFLUENCE OF STRESS COPING BEHAVIOR ON THE EMOTIONAL LOAD OF TEACHERS. MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 3(3), 13–17.
