
  • Yoanna Tzvetanova SWU ”N. Rilski”, Bulgaria



palliative care, social worker, social work


The article explores the challenges and opportunities in social work within palliative care, emphasizing its role in addressing the complex needs of patients with life-threatening illnesses and their families. The primary aim is to analyze the emotional, ethical, organizational, and cultural dimensions of social work in this field and identify strategies for improving care delivery.

The findings highlight significant challenges, such as the emotional burden on social workers, resource limitations, and ethical dilemmas related to balancing patient autonomy with cultural and religious differences. Nevertheless, the conclusions demonstrate the pivotal role of social workers in providing psychosocial support, coordinating care within multidisciplinary teams, and advocating for culturally sensitive practices. The conclusions emphasize the need for targeted interventions to enhance the effectiveness of social work in palliative care. These include specialized training, increased resource allocation, and the development of comprehensive policies and standards. The recommendations focus on deeper integration of social work into multidisciplinary teams, promoting cultural competence, and ensuring the sustainability of professionals through improved support systems. These measures are essential for delivering compassionate, patient-centered care that meets the diverse needs of patients and families during the end-of-life journey.


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How to Cite

Tzvetanova , Y. (2024). THE ROLE OF SOCIAL WORK IN PALLIATIVE CARE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT AND CHALLENGES. MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 3(4), 37–41.
