
  • Ivanka Kulevska-Gonovska Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Tzekomir Vodenicharov, MD, DSc“, Medical University – Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Emil Spasov Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Tzekomir Vodenicharov, MD, DSc“, Medical University – Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Румяна Янева Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Tzekomir Vodenicharov, MD, DSc“, Medical University – Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria




mortality, circulatory system diseases, South Central region, Plovdiv province, risk factors


In the European Union, Bulgaria ranks first in terms of mortality and last in terms of life expectancy. According to Eurostat data for 2018 in Bulgaria, from 2011 until this moment, the coefficients of both preventable mortality with good prevention and mortality preventable with good treatment are higher than the corresponding values for the EU as a whole. There are no prospects for their improvement. The rate of preventable mortality with good prophylaxis reached 226 per 100,000 population, which is significantly higher than the value of the rate in the whole EU (160 per 100,000). On the one hand, weak primary prevention and health promotion, and on the other hand, the need to improve protocols for diagnosis and treatment of the leading causes of death can be pointed out as reasons.
The aim of the present study is to perform a comparative analysis of the dynamics of mortality from diseases of the circulatory organs for Bulgaria, its South Central Region and the Plovdiv province as part of this region.
Materials and methods: documentary analysis - based on data from the National Statistical Institute; inductive and deductive methods; comparative analysis; structural analysis; economical analysis; statistical methods - analysis of the dynamics of phenomena, tabular and graphic analyzes - to visualize the obtained results.
Results: Both for Bulgaria as a whole, as well as for its South Central region and the Plovdiv province, there is a trend of increasing mortality (per 100,000 people of the population) from diseases of the circulatory organs.
Conclusion: From the data of our study, it is clear that, in general, for the observed 10-year period, and more specifically for the last of the years under consideration - 2022, for the entire country, the highest relative share in mortality (per 100,000 population) is occupied by other diseases of the heart. For the South Central region, the mortality rate from ischemic heart disease is the highest. The situation is similar for the Plovdiv province, as part of this region, where the relative share is also the highest - a noticeable 44.0% of the mortality from IHD.
Recommendations: A comprehensive approach and addressing health inequities in all areas aimed at reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease as part of non-communicable chronic diseases is imperative. Of primary importance is the fact that health promotion and disease prevention can lead to a significant reduction in this burden.


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How to Cite

Kulevska-Gonovska, I., Spasov, E., & Янева, Р. (2024). DYNAMICS OF MORTALITY FROM DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS IN BULGARIA, SOUTH CENTRAL REGION AND PLOVDIV PROVINCE . MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 3(1), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.35120/medisij030113k
