
  • Branislav Sančanin University Union – Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
  • Aleksandra Penjišević University Union – Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia



medicine, radiological waste, storage, disposal


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) defines radioactive waste as material, of no useful value, that contains or is contaminated with nuclides in concentrations higher than levels specified by relevant bodies. Healthcare institutions and users whose business activities generate radioactive waste have the obligation to collect, label and store it in the prescribed manner until such time as it is taken over by a company which is authorized for its transportation, collection, keeping and storage. The goal of this paper is to point out the importance of improving the quality of health services through the process of regulating medical waste management, with a focus on measures and procedures for the disposal of waste generated in radiology. The system for the separation of radiological waste, and its adequate labeling with a number corresponding to its category, is a top priority for radiological waste management at all health institutions. The importance of controlling the generation of radioactive waste is primarily reflected in measures that contribute to its reduction, followed by reuse and recycling. Data on physical, mechanical, chemical, radiological, and biological characteristics is provided to characterize radioactive waste, thus ensuring its safe and secure management. The storage of radioactive waste is the procedure for the temporary placement of radioactive waste in a dedicated facility, i.e., in a warehouse for a specific period of time, in compliance with the prescribed measures for radiation and nuclear safety and the safety of stored waste. During the storage of radioactive waste, it is necessary to carry out a whole series of activities: radiation protection, monitoring radioactivity in the environment around the warehouse, inspection of the state of radioactive waste packaging and inspection of equipment, warehouse components and systems, maintenance of the warehouse, and the labeling and recording of radioactive waste packaging. The process for disposing of radioactive waste implies its isolation from people and the environment. While the location, designed barriers and operation of the facility for disposal of radioactive waste, should enable the application of all radiation safety and security measures and the prevention of reaching criticality. States should assume an unequivocal ethical obligation to eliminate the unnecessary burden, associated with the complex issue of radioactive waste disposal, from future generations.


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Author Biographies

Branislav Sančanin, University Union – Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia



Aleksandra Penjišević, University Union – Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia




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How to Cite

Sančanin, B. ., & Penjišević, A. (2023). SAFE MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL RADIOLOGICAL WASTE. MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 2(2), 7–13.
